Archive for March, 2012
3 Social Media Essentials for Any Business Owner
Year after year, social media seems to get more popular and more important to incorporate into your online marketing strategy. A common question is, ‘Can I find new business on Facebook?’ The answer is yes. Will you find business? That’s not always an easy answer, but to simply have a social media presence means that people will find your page when looking for it. That in itself is 100x times more effective than not having one at all and with the law of the social media business which you can define later, click to read more.
You can see InstantInfo Systems for virtual event managing, remember that every person attending a virtual event is a potential lead. That’s why building the event around the new leads is important.
If you also set up an Instagram page for your business, you may need to buy ig followers cheap to help boost your online presence.
Facebook Business Page
Much like a Facebook personal page, business pages can be setup within 5 minutes and are free and easy to do.
You can create a profile where you will add your business name and description, links back to your website, hours of operation, pictures of your services and/or product, among many other things. Like your personal page, people will be able to post on your news feed and you can respond using that account. Very easy to do, and worth your time.
Twitter is a platform that lets you post updates to your ‘twitter feed’ which is seen on any other twitter member’s feed that you have become friends with, or ‘followed.’ As search engines are still concretely concerned with back links and other standard SEO measures, social media avenues like Twitter and Facebook activity are now being thrown into the mix. That’s why it’s important to implement the right SEO strategies, such as the ones from, in order to boost your site, business or page’s rankings.
If you’re not already familiar with Linkedin, it is the largest networking site for professionals. You can list your credentials/work history and connect with other professionals in your industry and others. Many have known to pick up work or even new jobs by being found by someone else on Linkedin. The service is free, and just like Facebook, it allows you to setup your own profile with images, links to your facebook and twitter, website, among other enhancements.
There are tons of social media sites that are sprouting up, just like the small business VOIP for each one to increase their work-ability in their business.
These three mentioned above are by far the most widely used and leave the biggest footprint on your social media marketing efforts.
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